Dutch Rum Fest
Unfortunately, there will be no festival in 2021 due to COVID-19 and we there is nothing left to do but to enjoy the photos and videos from previous years.
You can participate in the online tastings that we will organize this year.
We hope to welcome you again soon at the next edition.
Club Rum organized the first rum festival in the Netherlands in 2017. After rum festivals in Londen, Rome, Paris, Berlin it was finally time for the Netherlands to have it’s own festival.
For the rum or spirit lover (male or female!), whether you’re a beginner or expert, the Dutch Rum Fest is an excellent opportunity to experience rum and discover more about this fantastic drink.
Stroll by the stands with your tasting glass and sample rum from numerous brands for free and you can, of course, also choose one of the delicious rum cocktails.
If you want to know more about a specific rum brand or rum (making) in general check out the masterclasses.
Keep enjoying your rum. Salud!